
London, UK, 2011
Instalation, web

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'Defining' is a long-term project that grew out from Martina's work within the group 'Project6'. It primarily relies and refers on the piece Tagbox / Pride & Prejudice from 2008.

The project is imagined as a platform project which consists of web site, multiple actions, projects and performances.

In 'Defining' Martina collected the answers she got in her previous project and turn them into a form of questions and proposals.

Trough this process Martina Miholić continues the process by which she wants to make people think and become aware of terms and meanings they use in describing and seeing other people. Their inclusion in the role of an observer in judging and in the role of an active participant as the signifier creates a label of a certain subject for themselves and for the relation towards the specific subject. By participating in identification of the other and interaction with the other she raises a question of how important is that process in the perception of the self, in creation of one’s own identity and perception of self. How to accept the description and perception of the others towards us as relevant and compatible with our own personality, and whether such thinking has a real basis? Do we start to believe it after many similar or same statements? As a starting point Martina takes the opinion of others about her and faces the question about the truthfulness of their claims.

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